Join us at fugecamp this summer
This year we will be taking 24 students and 6 youth leaders to Centrifuge in Black Mountain, NC! We will be leaving the morning of June 29th and returning the afternoon/evening of July 3th. The cost of this trip is $374/person. While we will be facilitating fundraising to cover the majority of the expenses, we are requiring that each student pay a $100 non-refundable deposit to secure their spot. Payment can be made via Cash/Check or Online.
- For Cash/Check, please put in an offering envelope and write "Youth Camp" on Envelope (and check).
- For Online, please use this link > Deposit
If for some reason you cannot afford to pay the deposit but would still like to go on this trip, please see Coleman Phillips!
Below is a brief description of 2025 Centrifuge:
Students are placed into Bible study groups with students from other churches by age groupings: 6-8th, 9-10th and 11-12th. Each morning of camp, students, within their groups, participate in recreation that includes group-building initiatives, as well as quiet time and Bible study. In the afternoons, students choose special interest track times ranging from creative options such as drama and creative movement, to classroom tracks like spiritual gifts, to active tracks such as basketball and volleyball.