jkids - UPcoming events

Fun events designed with kids and families in mind. 

  • GO35

    who: 3rd-5th grades attending

    journey church


    build friendships. 

    grow my faith.

    Friday, dec. 13

    6-8:30 pm

    pizza and a movie!

    register your kid on the church center app.

    registration is required

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  • A christmas celebration big enough for the whole family!

    sunday dec. 8

    4-6 pm

    3:30 pm | front Doors open

    3:40 pm | Main Auditorium Doors open

    4:00-5:00 pm | Jingle Jam Event

    games, music, christmas story, lots of fun for the whole family!

    5:00-6:00 pm | After Party

    hot cocoa, sugar cookies, family craft and christmas karaoke!

    no registration. 

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  • Happy Birthday Jesus! party

    celebrating the greatest gift ever !

    Sunday, Dec. 22

    9am & 11am

    First look & 252KIDS

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  • Pajamas & Pancakes

    Sunday, Dec. 29th


    9am & 11am

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